Downloading Our Software (MT4)
In recent weeks, there seem to be an error regarding a proxy server pop up. Do check out our workarounds below the video if you face that issue.
Possible error
If you are facing issues installing MT4 using the installer from our Dropbox folder, try this workaround.
Workaround 1
Step 1:
Use this installer instead:
This installer is from the broker Oanda[1]. Oanda is available for US residents. Some other brokers are not. But this doesn't matter for now as we are using Oanda's MT4 but creating a demo account from MetaQuotes.
Step 2:
After installation, go to "File", then click "Open an account".
Find the Metaquotes demo server by manually typing it the name "metaquotes".
Step 3:
Choose the MetaQuotes-Demo server and continue the rest of the account creation as per the video above.
Workaround 2
Download using a broker's MT4.
[1]: Note that we are not endorsing Oanda as a broker.