Retrieving Data from Yahoo Finance API - Just a One-Liner

Potential errors

If you face issues calling the functions, try upgrading your yahoo_fin library.

Type this to upgrade your library:

pip install yahoo-fin -U

Shoutout to Rigved Epur for this tip.

Rate limited/blacklisted

The yahoo_fin code library is an unofficial Yahoo Finance API method.

Thus, if you pull data too often (maybe many times a minute), you might get rate limited (i.e. Yahoo Finance limits the amount of times you can pull data) or blacklisted by Yahoo Finance.

Since yahoo_fin is a free library, we have no idea where the limit might be.

Save as CSV

To prevent this from happening, I suggest we pull the data, then export it as a CSV on your computer.

We can then import the data from the CSV the next time we need it.

To learn about importing CSV:

To learn about exporting CSV:



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Our reference guide:

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